Sunday, January 27, 2013

{Random} Oceana's Message to STGRB

Yes, I, Oceana Fern, have been added to Badly Behaving Goodreaders list on Stop The Goodreads Bullies, a hypocritical site dedicated to exposing, harassing, and insulting Goodreads and Amazon reviewers.

Their hypocrisy is astounding.


They bashed two friends of mine for 'harassing' an idiot minor, and yet, here I am, along with some other minors, on their list, where we will probably be attacked and exposed.


STGRB has two posts on 'defending' the minors of Goodreads from pedophiles (written by Caroll Byrant, BAHAHA, THE IRONY) and sexual role-players. They claim they'd kill to protect their own child, and go on and on about how parents deserve to know what 'Goodreads is really like'. They say how horrible it is that these minors are harassed and have conversations about sex with adults.


Now, I have personally been featured on Caroll's bully blog, and he is fully aware that I am a minor - in fact he had a discussion about it with another blogger.

Yet... here he preaches about saving the children on Goodreads.


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